

Home Front Episode 4

Searching For Truth

0 12740 Article rating: No rating

Tight Shots! Tight Shots! Tight Shots! That is how you create 24 scenes from 6 walls. That and an exercise machine that got more use as a hospital bed than it did as an all in one work out station.

Home Front Episode 3

The Bitch is Back

0 12557 Article rating: No rating

Getting a groove going, the routine began to form. Write the show on Tuesday into Wednesday, setup shoot schedule for Thurs-Saturday, put together and create the show on Sunday-Monday, repeat.

Home Front Episode 2

Under Control!

0 12385 Article rating: No rating

News of a hit soap opera spread through the Amari clan pretty quickly, and the 9 person cast became a 20 person production overnight!

Dek Hockey 1995

Random Game From Dek Hockey

0 12898 Article rating: No rating

To say that we were psychotic about our hockey team would be an understatement. Me and Chris ran this team with an iron clad fist.

1992 Christmas Special

Hidden Camera Christmas Special

0 12644 Article rating: No rating

What do you get when two morons get their hands on a video camera in the early 90's? A hidden camera special where no one is safe from exposing an embarrassing moment or two.
