

Cesca-Anna Movie

Your my best friend.

0 13280 Article rating: No rating

A quick little video of Cesca and Anna to Queen's "You're My Best Friend."

Anna and the Green Screen

Testing out the green screen.

0 12631 Article rating: 4.5

I was always facinated with the concept of "green screen" and wanted to always have the ability to try it out.

1994 4th Of July Special

The last family get together in Kerhonksen

0 13055 Article rating: No rating

Just one of those times when I happen to have access to aunt Grace and uncle Joe's camera, so I decided to document the entire 4th of July weekend trip in 1994.

Home Front 12

The Strip

0 12937 Article rating: No rating

Still as funny as when we first filmed it. Besides Ali and Dom's infamous striptease, how about my father and Gracie reliving what I perceive, as the 70's night life.

Home Front Episode 11


0 12885 Article rating: No rating

Maybe I was getting lazy, but when the script in clearly placed on the table for Joey to read in his scene with my father, the writing should have been on the wall. It's over Johnny!!!
