Pete and Pete Productions

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1994 4th Of July Special

The last family get together in Kerhonksen

Just one of those times when I happen to have access to aunt Grace and uncle Joe's camera, so I decided to document the entire 4th of July weekend trip in 1994.

It would turn out to be the last time we spent the weekend together by Grandpa's house and finish it off with a barbecue at on the Cristiano's side of the lawn.

Each segment chronicles a portion of the trip from beginning to end. Watch at your own risk, can be very boring, or nostalgic, depends on how you look at it.

Disclaimer: I can not be held responsible for any view I might have voiced on this documentary. I spoke a lot, and often, but I was 19 and 1/2 a moron, so sorry in advance if I say anything out of line!

Part 1: Going To Work, Walking The Streets Of Brooklyn

So you don't bore yourself, or waste your time, if you're not interested,this is my trip to work at the pharmacy and walking back home to leave for Joey's house to head upstate.

Part 2: In The Dark In Kerhonksen

Made it upstate, and we needed to wait for Owen to put the power on. Joey is pissed, and this is me Sal, Anna, Joey Linda, Vito, Chris, and Phil discussing the blackout events.

Part 3: Cleaning Up The Weeds

We're all pitching in to clean up the grounds in preparation of the night time festivities, which featured Doc West! Yeeeaaahhhhh!!!!

Part 4: The Concert: Doc West Revisited

Come to my window, need I say anymore!

Part 5: The Cristianos' Side Of Town

Barbecue/Barnfire at the Cristiano compound. A quick list of some of the attendees:

  • The Pete and Maria Cristianos
  • The Joanne and Louie Colandros
  • The Billy Amaris
  • Chris Amari
  • Uncle Vincent Amaris
  • Clarice, Anthony, Uncle George, Aunt Josies
  • Joey and Lynda Amaris
  • Anna and Sal Pasquinis
  • Pete and Margery Amaris
  • And whichever other clan I forgot, sorry, but that's the gist

Part 6: Hotel Before Going Home

Bullshitting in the hotel before getting ready to sleep before heading home.

Part 7: Vito's Got Food!

Eating some healthy shit before going to bed and leaving to go home in the a.m. Me, Cynthia, Lynda, Joey, and Vito.

Part 8: The Drive Home

Experience the thrilling scenic 20 minute collage of our journey home in Joeys old Toyota Crapolla. Love ya Vi, brought back some good memories we used to have.

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About Us

Pete & Pete Productions is a fictitious production company that has been producing family hits since the early 90's. First established in 1992, we've gone on to produce albums, TV shows, movies, etc... The company was founded and named by Peter E. Amari Jr., in acknowledgement of collaborative ventures with his son Peter E. Amari III. The goal was, and still is, to promote 3 things:

  1. Family involement/enjoyment
  2. Fun memories
  3. A reason for us to do stupid shit

We hope you enjoy seeing, reading, and hearing items from the past, as well as our future endeavors.

Pete & Pete

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