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Home Front Episode 11


Maybe I was getting lazy, but when the script in clearly placed on the table for Joey to read in his scene with my father, the writing should have been on the wall. It's over Johnny!!!

I said before that this show might have gotten me a wife and kids, and I think had Josephine not seen these shows when Susan showed them to her, and she didn't think it was the coolest shit ever, I might still be living upstairs from my parents. Seeing me in the show, and hearing that I put it together, sparked an interest, and that interest lead to her asking me out. Yep, I didn't even have the balls to do that either.

So, a creation that came from a place of embarrassment and despair, ultimately gave me a shot at the life I always wanted. Go figure. Episode 11.

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About Us

Pete & Pete Productions is a fictitious production company that has been producing family hits since the early 90's. First established in 1992, we've gone on to produce albums, TV shows, movies, etc... The company was founded and named by Peter E. Amari Jr., in acknowledgement of collaborative ventures with his son Peter E. Amari III. The goal was, and still is, to promote 3 things:

  1. Family involement/enjoyment
  2. Fun memories
  3. A reason for us to do stupid shit

We hope you enjoy seeing, reading, and hearing items from the past, as well as our future endeavors.

Pete & Pete

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