Pete and Pete Productions

New Releases

My Home Movies

These are my home movies when we were kids

0 8180 Article rating: 5.0

These were times that we spent in Elmont, Hillsboro, Valley Stream, and then Bleecker!

Off the Record

First time writer Peter Amari Jr. publishes his memoir.

0 20908 Article rating: 3.0

Off the Record, an autobiographical account of the life of Peter Amari Jr.

Christmas 1974 Video

A collection taken around Christmas time 1974.

0 15544 Article rating: No rating

So, to pay homage to one of, if not the, best Christmas movie ever made, I took this silent home movie collection and tied it together like in the movie.

Home Movies 1979

Cynthia, Grandma Testa, Anna (Pasquini) birthday at Bleecker.

0 13602 Article rating: No rating

A throwback to the late seventies where all the Testas congregated on a weekly basis.

Doc West 1972 Ultrasonic Studio

Three songs recorded at Ultrasonic Studio.

0 0 Article rating: No rating

How Do You Feel, From Us To You & Want A Slice of Pizza at Ultrasonic Studio.

Aries "Ventura Highway"

Aries audio dubbed over me playing the guitar.

0 12983 Article rating: No rating

The audio was pretty crappy so my dad decided to record over it with Aries' rendition of Ventura HIghway.


About Us

Pete & Pete Productions is a fictitious production company that has been producing family hits since the early 90's. First established in 1992, we've gone on to produce albums, TV shows, movies, etc... The company was founded and named by Peter E. Amari Jr., in acknowledgement of collaborative ventures with his son Peter E. Amari III. The goal was, and still is, to promote 3 things:

  1. Family involement/enjoyment
  2. Fun memories
  3. A reason for us to do stupid shit

We hope you enjoy seeing, reading, and hearing items from the past, as well as our future endeavors.

Pete & Pete

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