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Audio Early 70's

Wash, Agnes, Pete, Vera and Mystery Kids

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This is a tape that I found on my father's reel to reel from back in the mid 60's. It has audio from Uncle Wash, Aunt Agnes, my mother and father, and I'm not sure if it's Gracie in the background or not, but you can let me know.

Audio 11/11/1967

Pete and Baby Anna Amari/Pasquini

0 12096 Article rating: No rating

Found on the same reel, this is my father trying to get Anna to talk.

1986 Christmas Album

This is the original Family Christmas Album

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The inaugural Amari Family Christmas Album.

1987 Christmas Album

2nd installment of The Amari Family Christmas Album.

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The Christmas Album, take 2.

1989 Christmas Album

The 3rd Family Christmas Album

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After a year hiatus its the 3rd Christmas Album.

1991 Christmas Album

The 4th Family CHristmas album.

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The 4th installment of Family Christmas Albums.

1992 Christmas Album

This is the 5th Family Christmas album.

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The 5th Christmas Album.

1999 Christmas Album

The 6th Christmas album.

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1999 Christmas album is a special one to me for two reasons. It had been 7 years since the last, and its the first one without Grandma Vera. I still remember when the thought blasted into my head like a lightening bolt driving home from work, and I still thin k it was Grandma smacking it into me.

2000 Christmas Album

This is the 7th Christmas Album.

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Ahhhhhhh, so we come to the 2000 Christmas album. Dubbed "mass production" by my siblings, the 2000 attempt at R&B Christmas, fell flat, to say the least. So flat, that years went by before anyone asked if we were doing another. Riding high in 99, and splat on the cement in 2000. Lesson learned!

Letters To Josephine

An album I made while dating my wife to be.

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I found that the only way I could say sappy shit, was through music. It's interesting what you turn to when you can't express like a normal human being!