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Dek Hockey 1995

Random Game From Dek Hockey

0 12008 Article rating: No rating

To say that we were psychotic about our hockey team would be an understatement. Me and Chris ran this team with an iron clad fist.

Home Movies 1979

Chris & Petey Interviews

0 12071 Article rating: No rating

Singa Songa. I obviously was not an avid Met fan, even though I was busting out nicely, on my NY Mets jacket.

A Trip to TPC Sawgrass

A little TPC action.

0 13225 Article rating: 3.0

A quick round at TPC Sawgrass in Florida with Chris, Ed and Dennis.

A Round at Bethpage Black 2002

Chris, Tom, Big Ed and Pete G shooting a round on Bethpage Black, 2002.

0 13184 Article rating: No rating

Chris, Tom, Big Ed and Pete G shooting a round on Bethpage Black, 2002.

Sunday Morning Hockey at Meadowbrook

Our first attempt at an organized hockey league.

0 20448 Article rating: 3.3

To say me and Chris took recreational sports to a psychotic level is an understatement. This is an early example of what would turn out to be years and years of leagues, and fights and championships and people rotating in and out of our lives, etc...!!

Cooperstown 2001

Mets vs. Yankees - Cooperstown 2001

0 17423 Article rating: 5.0

Two days after 9/11, we decided to push on and go play hardball at Doubleday field in Cooperstown NY

Cooperstown 2002

The followup, another fun time in Cooperstown

0 16756 Article rating: 4.0

Second go around, hired videographer, same shitty loss!!! Haha